Eva-Maria Heinz - Clavichord
Cornelius Veit - Electric guitar
One may be tremendously surprised by this constellation of instruments and ask oneself how this can probably function:
One of the most original precursors of the todays piano and the favorite instrument of no less than Johann Sebastian Bach clashs into a still rather young instrument whose sound has left their mark on bands like Metallica or Motörhead – and now? It functions!
Soft touched Clavichord tones interfere with restrained E-Guitar sounds; besides playing improvisation fathomed out everything; from subdued, but high-energy rhythmics via harmonious-melodic intermeshing up to resembled noise.
Eva-Maria Heinz und Cornelius Veit get to know each other at the FORUM FREE MUSIC Karlsruhe where they have been involved in different performances and played together music in a number of different constellations.